I Recommend Using
OpenGappsBlissRomTeam Bliss is not responsible in any way for anything that happens to your device in the process of flashing.
Please familiarize yourself with flashing and custom rom use before attempting to flash the rom.
Please make sure you download the correct version of Bliss for your specific device. The links are labeled clearly.
FIRST CHECK SECOND POST - Make sure your device doesn't have any special instructions.
*Make sure you are rooted.
*Make sure you have a custom recovery installed. (TWRP is the preferred recovery)
*Download the latest Bliss Rom & the latest GApps package.
*Boot into recovery.
*Perform a FULL factory wipe and wipe/system and dalvik cache as a precaution
*Flash Bliss Rom
*Flash Google Apps package (for 6.0!)
*First boot may take up to 10 minutes
If you have a major bug to report that has not been reported already, and is not a known issue with CM,
please take the following steps to report it to us. It will save you time, as well as us.
-Download the
Catlog app from the Play Store.
There is also a donate version which you can purchase to show appreciation.
-After downloading the Catlog app, go to the app settings, and change the log level to Debug.
-Clear all previous logs and take the exact steps to produce the error you are receiving.
-As soon as you receive the error (probably a force close), go straight into Catlog and stop the log recording.
-Copy and paste the entire log either to
Hastebin or
Pastebin-Save the log, and copy and paste the link into the forum with a brief description of the error.
-You can also open trouble tickets on our website for bugs.
Huge thanks to all members of Cyanogenmod for the source.
Also a huge thanks to Chainfire, DirtyUnicorns, NamelessRom, SlimRoms, EuphoriaOS,
CRDoid, OmniRom, Temasek, AICP & all the other developers who work hard to keep all the great features coming!
We really appreciate all your knowledge & hard work!
Thanks to @skyliner33v for making our wallpaper & optional boot animations, @electrikjesus for making the current boot animation as well as others,
@pjgraber03 & @electrikjesus for developing and maintaining our website,
@death2all110 for developing the Bliss Wallpapers app, and @nicholaschum, @genesixxbf3 and @tobitege for the OTA xml generator.
Thanks to @Kryten2k35 for the original source of the OTA app.
Thanks To
@TheStrix For Sources.
Thanks To
@Sanyam Jain For Guiding.
We do NOT ask for or expect any donations from users.
If someone takes it upon themselves to donate to us, of course it will be appreciated,
and all funds will be used to pay our server fees.
If someone does choose to donate, our PayPal link is below.
PayPal Link Thank you for using BlissPop! We appreciate each and every one of our users!